Sunday 1 January 2017

Kerala style Avial

Avial is a semi dry/dry curry made with different verities of vegetables and coconut. It is commonly eaten with rice and a must have side dish in Kerala traditional sadya(feast). Common veggies used in Avial are elephant yam, raw banana, carrot, pumpkin, cucumber, drumsticks, cucumber, potato, onions, tomato etc. It is not necessary that you need all the vegetable to prepare avial, you can prepare it with minimum ingredients also. Some places people used to add curd and garlic in Avial. 

In my home, we used to prepare it at least once in a week. Here I am sharing you a dry version of avial that my mom used to prepare in pressure cooker. See the step by step instructions with pictures to follow the recipe at your home.

  1. Carrot - 2 
  2. Drumsticks - 2
  3. Tomatoes - 3 
  4. Potato - 3 
  5. Ivy gourd - 6
  6. Onion -  2 medium sized
  7. Green chillies - 5
  8. Curry leaves - 1 spring
  9. Turmeric powder - 1 tablespoon
  10. Cumin seed - ½  tablespoon
  11. Shallot - 2 
  12. Grated coconut - 1 cup
  13. Coconut oil -  2 tablespoon
  • Add grated coconut, shallots/small onions, turmeric and cumin seeds into a mortar and pestle. Grind all the items together and keep it aside.  

  • Clean and cut vegetables lengthwise and put it in a pressure cooker

  • Add the coconut mixture to the vegetable

  • Mix vegetable, coconut paste and salt. Sprinkle little bit of water on top of that. Add ½ cup of water for gravy.

  • Pressure cook till the veggies are cooked well. 3-4 whistle is enough to cook the veggies.  

  • Take pressure cooker off the flame. Finally add coconut oil and curry leaves. Lip smacking traditional Kerala style avial is ready to serve with hot rice. 

You can cook this dish in open vessel also. Add sufficient water to cook the veggies.

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