About Me

Hi, welcome to Spicy Foods Zone 😊. First of all thanks for dropping by. I hope you are enjoying my blog page and recipes posted.


Let me give you a brief introduction of myself, I am Lekshmy, a native of Kerala. Currently living in Mumbai with my husband & in-laws. By profession, I am a software developer. I enjoys cooking during my leisure times.

Inspiration of this blog

My husband is my inspiration and a good critic of my cooking. By looking at my passion for cooking my husband suggested me to start a food blog and that's how an idea to start a blog came to my mind. And on December, 2016 I had started this blog.

Reason behind the blog name

Since born & brought up in god's own country, I love spicy foods and this led me to name my blog as Spicy foods Zone.

What you find in this blog

You can find traditional, healthy, easy to make dishes in my blog.

 Happy cooking 😊

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